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On May 23rd, 2009, General Manager Xu Zhi attended the awarding ceremony for the special contribution to CTL hosted by Shenhua Group with attendance of honored GM Yuzhuo Zhang

Author:admin  Source:成都植源  Time:2010-4-3


     Inner Mongolia Dongsheng (Erdos) is the world's largest coal to oil project base, but also the world at present the first direct coal liquefaction project, the project cost 30000000000 yuan, designed capacity of 6000 tons of coal feeding. However, coal oilprocess Licensor for pipe connection to clear the project using the only foreign onlyhigh-pressure self tight flange (grayloc). Because the domestic blank, this discourse is controlled in the hands of foreign suppliers, they say how how, you don't have a choice. But if the order of foreign products, not only long period, the service is not timely, and the use is not a one-time, if the device in operation to repair, or to change a, foreign suppliers from the news arrived at the repair site during this period of time,the device stops running, the loss will be very serious.


     At that time, the project manager Wan Guojie Shenhua coal oil company be filled with a thousand regrets: "if the domestic manufacturers which can develop the high pressure flange, is to help the Shenhua." At that time, many domestic manufacturers have never seen such a flange. In as pressing danger, someone told the Shenhua,Chengdu originated machinery limited company of science and technology is developing the flange. Wan Guojie very happy, immediately to the Chengduoriginated hung up the phone, fit in easily with, which appeared in the development process, mentioned above, of course, in this process, the Shenhua Group and the project contractor Sinopec Engineering Inc (SEI) gave great support and help. 


     After the successful development, Shenhua coal to oil project began to order, the firstthirty or forty sets only. Thanks to Xu Zhi's good service, often to the site installation and use, what the problem is solved in time, then, Shenhua will order more than 200 sets of.

The project manager of Shenhua coal oil company Wan Guojie told reporters: "in the world's first coal to oil the biggest unit, Chengdu originated in Xu Zhihe Hou Liangping's two senior engineer r & D 'pressure self tight flange' occupies an important seat. Shenhua should appreciate them, countries should thank them."



     Deputy general manager of Shenhua Coal Oil Co., Ltd. Erdos equipment Sun Huashan introduces to the reporter: "after the hydraulic pressure test and air tight gas increase, development of import and Xu is no problem, good in pre production trial runand driving after operation. Can give the enterprise to save a lot of money, which is more than the price of several times. Don't see the foreigners' face 'act, delivery in time. But from the advance booking, repeated negotiations, production, delivery,acceptance of trival link. Now, abroad also don't know we have our own high pressure flange ZY-LOC, as the market opened, the price of foreign similar flange will fall."


     Reporter in the interview to understand, able to withstand the most demanding"conditions of pressure and temperature is extremely high, does not allow high pressure flange leak", the world only 5: Italy is G-LOC, American is grayloc, the UKhas two, vector and grayloc, and Chengdu originated Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.is a fifth. Xu Zhihe Hou Liangping developed the "high-pressure self tight flange" not only to fill the domestic blank, in the Asian region, no second.


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